Monday, May 9, 2011

Put a fork in me cuz I'm DONE!

I can't even begin to describe all the feelings I'm experiencing right now...but I'll give it a try. I have officially finished ALL of my college school work and now I am just waiting to walk across the stage and get my diploma in the mail. It's such a strange feeling to be finished with school. I've been in school for most of my life and now I'm finished? No more class? No more homework? WOO HOO! But wait- now I'm moving? Getting a job? Starting to pay bills? OH NO! I'm a grown-up now! AAAHHH!

Deep breath. Ok I'm good. I know it's been a long while since my last post but the last two months of school were killer. Not to mention the fact that I've flown up to NYC twice, had multiple group projects, and an increased workload at my internship. But here I am on the other side only stronger- or so they say- and wiser (I hope that one's true).

So now all I have to do is get my stuff together and move it across the country to the Big Apple. This task in itself is a daunting one. However, I'm not alone. I've got two sisters and whole church family rooting for me in New York and of course all my friends and family here at home. It's a bizarre feeling, graduating and moving on with my life. It's unsettling but I'm ready for the challenge. Bring it on New York! Bring it on corporate America! Bring it on grown-up hood! I can take it!

I think.