Thursday, July 7, 2011

so...that's what you call art, eh?

So as most of you are aware, I now live in the Big Apple. And while I'm still scouring the city for a super awesome new job, I've decided to do some exploring and see what all the hype is about. Now as I mentioned, I'm obviously not made out of money. Being unemployed yet living in an NYC apartment doesn't provide a great deal of disposable income. So I've been doing some free stuff. My favorite, and you can probably guess from the title, was my trip last week to the MOMA. For you folks not from round here, that's the Museum of Modern Art. Every Friday thanks to Target, everyone can get in free. So I decided to check it out.

So you're probably thinking to yourself, "Wow, she is so cultured and intellectual!" But don't judge me too hastily. Apparently, my taste in art is not as developed as the big wigs in the art world. Don't get me wrong but some of this stuff in the museum wasn't, in my humble, humble opinion, shouldn't really be considered art. I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and don't get me wrong, some of the art was indeed FANTASTIC, but some of this stuff (which I am going to tell you about so SPOILER ALERT for those who haven't been recently) was just weird.

So, since I am a planner at heart, before I left for the museum I planned my route. I decided to see the famous stuff, Van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse first and then look at architecture, design, and photography. So I did just that. I spent a long time looking at Van Gogh's brushstrokes and colors in Starry Starry Night and looking at Picasso's pictures of those women with their body parts all jumbled up. And then I went to gallery that was a bunch of fonts. Interesting to look at but then again it was basically the alphabet over and over again in different fonts. And then ladies and gentleman, then I decided to mosey on over to photography.

Here's where it gets interesting. Sorry, just one more aside. For those of you who like audio tours and like to read the backstory on art work, I'm not one of those so if you disagree with my opinion because you happen to know the backstory or the reason behind this particular exhibit, please disregard this heinously biased opinion. OK so I walk into this gallery and there's a small sign that reads, "Some of the art in this gallery may be deemed intense and not suited for all visitors." So, I'm thinking to myself, "OK this is gonna be good!" However, I was sadly mistaken. I walk into this gallery and am immediately looking into a nearly lifesized photograph of an old woman who is standing in the frame fully clothed yet exposing both her breasts and her hoohah and staring directly into the camera. And that wasn't it. There was a close up of a man's nipple with him squeezing it, a photo of a man's diseased backside, and a woman standing stark naked in the middle of a disgusting bathroom. I gleaned from my once over of the captions that this exhibit was supposed to show the condition of homeless people somewhere in east Europe but to me, this whole room of photographs was just terribly mind boggling. I mean, I applaud the photographer for having the necessary skills to convince these people to pose for him because, obviously (or I hope) these women and men don't stand around exposing themselves randomly. I mean, I think it would be interesting to know what exactly this guy said to these subjects to get them to pose. "Uh, hey, will you show me your goodies so I can take a picture, blow it up, and show the world your nakedness?" I mean how exactly would that conversation have gone?

Now I understand that modern art consists of art from some certain date forward but it boggles my mind that these photographs are displayed only a floor away from some of the most exquisite and famous pieces of artwork.

Sigh- I digress. I simply wanted to share with you, Oh Dear Readers, my recent eye opening experience soaking up some culture. Now, some of you out there may think that I've got no taste, and you are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but to me, a diseased butt crack, isn't something I want hanging on my wall. But don't take my word for it. Go see it for yourself.