Monday, October 25, 2010

You should be slapped in the mouth!

Ok so I was a home taking a break from the college life and at my house we have this nearly archaic invention that some people forget exists sometimes: a landline phone. I know what you're thinking, who has a land line anymore? But I'm here to tell you that they do still exist! Anywho one of the many joys of a land line is that they are often listed in phonebooks and telemarketing lists and I'm sure other things that make it easy for people to call you and annoy you. So let me paint the picture for you: Its Saturday night around eight and my mom and I are having a pleasant conversation about pleasant things when all of a sudden, the phone rings. From that new-fangled contraption called caller ID we can clearly see that it's either a) someone we don't want to talk to or b) a telemarketer (but really what's the difference in those two options). Anyway so this time we decide to not let it ruin our lovely conversation and we ignore the call. A little while later, maybe ten minutes or so, the phone rings again. I recognize that it's the same kind of number and I decide that maybe it would be better to just handle the person on the other line so they wouldn’t continue calling and interrupting my mom time. So I answer the phone, not in the most polite voice but still not rude, and this is how the conversation goes:
Me: "Hello"
Telemarketer: Hello may I speak to Ms. Hoontay?
(Clearly this is not how you say my last name)
Me: May I ask who's calling? (Note the correct grammar and politeness here as this is key to the story)
Telemarketer: This is Linda from MedTech Advantage
Me: (to my mom but still into the phone) Mom, do you want to talk to Linda from MedTech Advantage?
Telemarketer: (before I could get an answer from my mom) Well you're just a rude child aren't you?
Me: (stunned into silence) hangs up

As I'm relaying the outrageous comment that a telemarketer who called and interrupted my lovely Saturday evening conversation with my mom, the phone rings yet again. Seeing that it is again Linda from MedTech Advantage I answer the phone again.

Me: Hello (much ruder than previously)
Linda from MedTech Advantage: You are a rude child who deserves to be slapped in the mouth!

Again I am stunned and in an effort to not express my true feelings of distaste for the whole idea of telemarketers, so I hung up again.

Now, am I the only one who thinks this is a bizarre thing to have happen? I mean how many of you have been called back by a telemarketer much less insulted by one? I don't know about you but I was very upset (to say the least) when this happened. I thought about calling up the company and complaining about appalling customer service and I thought about a long list of things I could have said back to Linda from MedTech Advantage but then I started thinking about Linda.

I know that every telemarketer is a person and that their job probably sucks because they get hung up on all day, but is it really necessary to lash out to an innocent potential customer like me? I mean obviously Linda from MedTech Advantage was having a bad night but hello? Why take it out on me? I get it I do. I know what it's like to work at a job you don't like and have to deal with customers on a daily basis but still, lashing out does nobody any good.

So what's the point of me telling you this story? Well besides the obvious- it's hilarious and crazy I thought I'd try and give you some nugget of advice or a life lesson and here it is. Even if you're having a bad day DON'T take it out on someone just for existing especially if you are representing somebody's company. I don't recommend it when you're only representing yourself either but ESPECIALLY when you're on the clock. Don't piss off the person who pays you. That's never a good plan.

It's been a whole two days since Linda called my house and I still can't believe that that happened? Got any crazy telemarketer stories that can top this one? Please let me know!


  1. haha that's so hilarious! never had anything like that happen to me.

  2. I can't believe she said that- how appalling!

  3. That is insane! Yet, amazingly funny! But I would have went off on her the second time-Just saying
