Saturday, September 25, 2010

To TXT or not to TXT? That is the question...

Ok people I know that text messaging is becoming a primary means of communication especially between teenagers and college students but enough is enough. By now you should realize that it's not always the best means of communication. Here is Eyslyn's guide to when you should NOT send a text message:

1. When you have beef with someone. Angry texting never leads to anything but you getting even angrier. If you're already mad. Call instead.

2. When you are trying to give directions. TEXTING WHILE DRIVING = DANGEROUS so why would you put your friends at risk? If they're trying to find you, or if you are trying to find your friends, call them instead. It’s much easier to get directions if you’re actually speaking to someone instead of trying to balance reading street signs and text messages. Don't do it.

3. If you are bad mouthing someone. Gossiping is bad enough on its own but if you must express a negative opinion about someone you know, don't do it in a text message. That’s like writing a nasty note, signing your name to it, and trying to deny that you said it. Sure there's a chance that the person your bad mouthing won’t see it but there’s a chance they will. So just don’t do it.

4. When you’re trying to be sarcastic. I'm a huge fan of sarcasm. It's funny. Admit it you like it too. But it doesn't always come across as funny in a text. Connotation is difficult to tell when reading a text message. Text messages are left to the interpretation of the reader. Take it from someone who knows, a sarcastic text can lead to angry friends just because of a misunderstanding.

5. When you want to sweet talk someone. There’s an art to persuasion. It’s much more effective you try to persuade either in person or at least on the phone. Then you can use that sweet persuasive voice you’ve been working on perfecting over the years. Don’t act like you don’t have one. :-)

6. WHEN YOU ARE DRIVING! As mentioned previously in number 2, texting while driving is dangerous. It's not made up. Don't do it. Wait till you get there or call. Your life is more important than sending a joke or a smiley face to your BFF.

7. When you're trying to be professional. There's nothing about an lol, idk, rofl, that's professional. If you want to talk to someone in a professional manner, call them! Send an email, not a text.

This list is not exhaustive. There are many more situations when texting is inappropriate but use this as a guideline. Be smart about it. Just because you can text doesn't mean you should.


  1. I love this Eys! Especially #1, 2, and 4

  2. I agree! A lot of my sarcastic comments can be taken out of contexts but I do it anyway, with a smiley face or lol afterward. hehe.

    #7, a lady from court sent me a text message the other day. Talk about awkward. I didn't know whether or not I was supposed to text back, so I just waited an hour (in case she was in court) and called her back. What would you have done?

  3. Hm...what would I have done? I guess I would have called her back. I don't know. That's a tough one. But I guess if they initiate could respond. :-)
