Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Coca-Cola: a love story

No one really knows what makes that "cola" flavor but whatever it is people everywhere like it and demand it by name. Not only does Coke have excellent "feel-good" commercials but they also have a quality product. How else could they have such dominance in the market? Sure they've made mistakes, (cough coca-cola blak cough) but overall Coke's pretty much been great.

Even though we can all recognize the cursive writing and the familiar bottle shape, I used to HATE coke. With a passion. I didn't want anything to do with it. Parties and events where soft drinks were served I'd drink nothing in order to avoid Coke. Why was I so anti-coke? I have no idea. I've been scouring the depths of my memory to discover the real reason why I've been depriving myself of the delicious-ness that is Coke for the past twenty years and I came up empty. The only thing I can guess is that one time I had a tiny sip and my immature tastebuds couldn't comprehend the delicate taste of one of the world's most sought after beverages, thus scarring me for life.

What changed my mind about coke you may ask? Was it their cute commercials before every movie? Was it the mycokerewards program? Was it because of endorsements by people I know and respect? Nope. The real reason I made the switch to Coke is becuase one day, I was hot and thirsty and the only available source of liquid sustenance was a can of coke. This coke wasn't like ones on the vending machine pictures. It didn't have ice surrounding it or water dripping suggestively down the sides. It was an ordinary, room-temperature coca-cola. I popped it open took a few gulps and then, I discovered that hey- this wasn't so bad. So I continued to drink the whole thing and when it was all gone, I found myself wanting more- and not just becuase I was hot and thirsty.

Now I find myself craving it at random times of the day. I see someone walking down the street drinking a coke and I find myself wanting a sip. (Of course I don't go around asking random people for a sip of their coke!) But I'm now a fan of coke. I may even go and "like" Coke on facebook just to prove my support. I may not give up water in favor of coke but I will say that I'll never make the blasphemous statement that coke is gross ever again. I'm not sure what that flavor is, but whatever it is; I like it.

The reason I'm writing about my newfound relationship with coca-cola isn't to make you thirsty or help increase coke sales. It's to point out that advertising and even personal reviews aren't enough to convince every consumer that your product is king. Being there right when they want your product however, will get them everytime (and if it doesn't your product probably isn't as good as you think it is). In my area here in south Mississippi, Coca-Cola is king of the soft drink market. Just about wherever you are you have access to a coke at any given moment in time. Thanks coke for being around. You turned my into a coke drinker and I'm even proud to admit it!

So next time you're really thirsty and can't find your ol' faithful beverage of choice, grab a coke and you won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. haha you sound like you need to visit the World of Coke young lady. I'm guessing you would fall in love all over again :) I'm not really a coke drinker either, but after i went to WOC, i found a new appreciation for the drink too. Because, I mean, that flavor--it's so complex! And that's what's so cool about it, lol no one really knows what coke tastes like, it just IS--a completely individual blend of flavors that really tastes good :) liked the post! Hope there's more to come!
