Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Getting back into the swing of things

Today I have officially been a college senior for a whole week. Whew! What a week it's been. Adjusting to waking up for class, getting back into the habit of riding my bike across campus, trying to find good deals on textbooks (an impossibility as far as I'm concerned), coordinating lunch dates with friends, and re-adjusting to campus life in general has been interesting.

I'm actually excited about my classes. My schedule, I have to admit, is pretty fabulous. No class on Fridays, not ridiculously long breaks in the middle of the day and let me tell you- it is wonderful. It took me four years to figure out how to make the best schedule.

As a senior, I'm finally taking mainly major classes (which for those of you who don't know is Marketing). I'm really enjoying the mix of major classes that I have too. Creative, Research, and Consumer Behavior. The main three fields I'm considering in Marketing. So I'm thrilled to be taking them together. Only a few class meetings in and I can already tell that yes! I did choose the right major for me! I'm super excited about actually applying what I'm learning in real situations. (And yes I do realize just how nerdy that sounds but hey! I am excited!)

I'm really looking forward to the rest of the semester and I hope everything continues to go smoothly. Of course my last year of college isn't going to be spend completely in the books but I know what I came here for so I won't lose focus. Trust me: when the weekend rolls around (which starts Thursdays for me!) you can bet I'll be living it up like a college senior should!

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